Settings (Archived)

Settings (Archived)

What is it?

The Settings page is where you, as a user, can change contextual information about your installations. Here, you can find the line name, line type, voltage level, temperature limit, and the SLR of the line. If you click the arrow button beside the line name, you will expand an information box. Here, more information about the line type, which spans of the line that are instrumented, and the ID of the neuron installed on the respective span is available. If you’re an asset manager, you can insert a name for each span, add & change downstream components, and change the temperature and clearance threshold of the line. This makes it easier to navigate when you get multiple neurons over multiple spans and lines.


Overview of lines: Here, you can see the line name, line type, voltage level, temperature limit, and current limit. As an Asset Manager, you can also edit the temperature and current limit if the limits are changed or if it’s just a fault in the data basis. This is done by pressing the pencil button next to the respective parameter.


Expanded line view: When the line view is expanded, you can see more information about the line type, which spans of the line that are instrumented, the ID of the neuron installed on the respective span, and its respective phase. As an Asset Manager, this is also where you can change parameters and add downstream components to your line. This is done by pressing the pencil button. This will open the “Edit line parameters”-sidebar.


Edit Line Parameters: Here, you as an Asset Manager can add components in the transmission chain that can potentially be constraining the capacity. These components can have static, ambient adjusted, or time-constrained ratings.

You can also change the SLR of the line, the temperature limit, and the minimum allowable conductor clearance.


How to use

Using the settings page to set appropriate names for each monitored span allows the user to navigate their grid more easily. In addition, the specified name will make it more intuitive with alarm names, list navigation and generally ease the user interface.

Last updated 28/09/2021
Heimdall Power reserves the right to revise this documentation and make changes in content from time to time without obligation on Heimdall Power to notify such revision or change.